
Project maintained by ItsZabbs Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Pokedex Bot

Pokedex Bot is a fully fledged Pokemon bot with all kinds of information necessary to competitive and leisure Pokemon players!
Also has features like Pokemon sprites, artworks and much more!

Find the support server here - Support server link

Invite the bot! - Invite link


All Movesets

You can find movesets of ALL POKEMON and all versions!! Just use
dexy moveset <pokemon> <version>
and you'll get all learnable moves!

Variety of Sprites

Pokemon sprites are also available through the bot. Any game's sprite can be found. It can be any game from Red and Green to the latest games!!

Type Matchups

Find it tough to calculate type matchups? You can use the bot to calculate it now!! A Pokemon's weaknesses and a move's powers all through a single command!!

Documentation guide

<> Indicates a required argument. You'll have to send it in order to get your desired outcome.
[] Indicates an optional argument. You can choose to send this if you want. For example, choosing the learn type for the moveset command.
[foo|bar] indicates the command's aliases. You can use any one of these to initiate the command's output. For example, [dex|pokedex] indicates that you can use either dexy dex manectric or dexy pokedex manectric

Do not literally type out the []<>| etc.

Pokemon related commands


Description- Sends the official artwork of the mentioned pokemon
Command - dexy [artwork|art] <pokemon>
<pokemon> can be any Pokemon, mega, gmax, or regional form. Pokemon's forms also work.
Example usage:
dexy artwork Charizard - Provides artwork of Charizard
dexy artwork Charizard mega x - Provides artwork of Mega Charizard X
dexy artwork Manectric mega - Provides artwork of Mega Manectric
dexy artwork Charizard Gmax - Provides artwork of GMax Charizard
dexy artwork Meowth Alola - Provides artwork of Alolan Meowth


Description- Sends the ability's information with its Smogon rating
Command - dexy [ability|abil] <ability-name>
<ability-name> can be any Pokemon ability.
Example usage:
dexy ability swift swim - Provides the information about the Swift Swim ability and gives a Smogon based rating.


Description- Sends all kinds of information about a move
Command - dexy move <move-name>
<move-name> can be any Pokemon move.
Example usage:
dexy move lick - Provides the information the move Lick.


Description- Sends the requested pokemon's moveset in the required version.
Command - dexy moveset <pokemon-name> <version-name> [learn-type]
<pokemon-name> can be any Pokemon name. Hyphenate megas and gmax to the name. Same with forms.
<version-name> can be any complete version name such as omegaruby or can also be the version group initials oras.
[learn-type] can be any learning type such as:

tutor for moves learnt via tutor

level-up for moves learnt via levelling up

machine for moves learnt through technical machines

egg for egg moves

form-change for moves learnt through forme changes.

The default is level-up

Example Usage:

dexy moveset manectric-mega oras machine - Provides the learnset of Manectric Mega in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire learnt through TMs
dexy moveset manectric oras - Provides the learnset of Manectric in ORAS learnt through levelling up


Description- Sends the ingame sprite for a Pokemon.

Command- dexy [sprite|spr] <sprite-name>

<sprite-name> can be any Pokemon name.

Add shiny to the Pokemon name to see the shiny sprite.

Add back to the Pokemon name to see the back sprite.

You can also use bare italics to summon Pokemon names. This can be done via:

*<pokemon name>*


Manectric shiny - Would summon a Shiny Manectric

Manectric back - Would summon the back sprite of Manectric

Manectric bwani - Would summon the BW2 version of the sprite.

Manectric bwani Manectric - This would summon two sprites. The animated Manectric sprite, and the BW2 version. Remember to surroud individual Pokemon names in different italics. The text in the above example is actually - *Manectric bwani* *Manectric*

Version specific Sprites:

Sprite Corresponding Game
bw or gen5 Black and White
bwani or gen5ani Black 2 and White 2
gen4 or hgss HeartGold and SoulSilver
pt Platinum
dp Diamond and Pearl
afd April Fools' Day from Showdown
rb Red and Blue
crystal Crystal
yellow or gen1 Yellow
emerald Emerald
rs Ruby and Sapphire
frlg FireRed and LeafGreen
gold Gold
silver Silver

Alias Management

Description- Commands that help you manage aliases for the server.

What are aliases?

Aliases are a way to summon a Pokemon with some text other than its name.

An example would be to type dexy sprite Zabbs and see Manectric's sprite.

This can be super easy to do.

This requires MANAGE SERVER permissions

How to add an alias-

dexy alias add <alias-name> <sprite-name>

The <alias-name> can be any text you wish to summon the sprite with. For multiple words, surround the alias-name in doublequotes.

The sprite-name follows the same syntax as the sprite-name in the sprite commands.

Example Usage-

dexy alias add "Zabbs" manectric

dexy alias add "zabbs and whatever he likes" manectric

How to remove an alias-

dexy alias add <alias-name>

The <alias-name> can be any text you've added previously.

Example Usage-

dexy alias remove "Zabbs"

dexy alias remove "zabbs and whatever he likes"

How to list all aliases-

dexy alias list

Evolution Chains

Description- Sends the evolution of the mentioned pokemon
Command - dexy [evo|evolution|evol] <pokemon>
<pokemon> can be any Pokemon, mega, gmax, or regional form. Pokemon's forms also work.
Example usage:
dexy evo Charizard
dexy evol Charizard mega x
dexy evolution Manectric mega
dexy evo Charizard Gmax
dexy evo Meowth Alola


Description- Sends information about an item
Command - dexy item <item-name>
<item-name> can be any Item.
Example usage:
dexy item xattack - Provides the information the item X-Attack.


Description- Sends wholehearted information about a Pokemon
Command - dexy [dex|pokedex] <pokemon>
<pokemon> can be any Pokemon, mega, gmax, or regional form. Pokemon's forms also work.
Example usage:
dexy dex Charizard
dexy dex Charizard mega x
dexy dex Manectric mega
dexy dex Charizard Gmax
dexy dex Meowth Alola
This command sends a very big embed with Type, Stats, Abilities, Gender, Evolution, Height, Weight, Smogon Tier, Egg Groups, and External resources. As a result, this command has the capability to flood chat. Look at the next command for a smaller embed.

Lite Pokedex

Description- Sends light weight information about a Pokemon
Command - dexy [ldex|litedex|cheapdex] <pokemon>
<pokemon> can be any Pokemon, mega, gmax, or regional form. Pokemon's forms also work.
Example usage:
dexy ldex Charizard
dexy ldex Charizard mega x
dexy ldex Manectric mega
dexy ldex Charizard Gmax
dexy ldex Meowth Alola

Type matchup calculations

Description- Sends the type matchup calculations of a Pokemon or a Move
Command - dexy [type] <pokemon or move>
<pokemon or move> can be any Pokemon, mega, gmax, or regional form. Pokemon's forms also work. It can also be any move name.
Example usage:
dexy type Charizard
dexy type Charizard mega x
dexy type Manectric mega
dexy type Charizard Gmax
dexy type Meowth Alola
dexy type Play Rough


Prefix management

This section will describe the commands to use to set what the bot responds to

How to add a prefix-

Command- dexy prefix add <new prefix>

<new prefix> can be any characters but should not include a space or comma.

How to remove a prefix-

Command- dexy prefix remove <old prefix>

<old prefix> can be any existing prefix. Look at the nexr section on how to see all prefixes.

Note: You can remove the default prefix. Before doing so, you should ensure that the bot has another prefix set. If you remove the prefix by accident, and there is no other prefix, mentioning the bot instead of dexy will still work.

How to list all prefixes-

Command- dexy prefix list

This will list all prefixes separated by a comma.


Command- dexy feedback <whatever you want to put here>

Description- Sends feedback to the bot developer. Any kind of feedback or suggestions to even bug reports are accepted.


Command- dexy invite

Description- Sends the invite link to add the bot to another server.


Command- dexy about

Description- Sends the bot's information. This also lists any potential influences on the bot's design.


Command- dexy ping

Description- Returns the bot's latency.


Command- dexy vote

Description- Sends the bot's top.gg link so people can vote for it.


Command- dexy help [command name]

<command name> can be any command name. It can also be a category of commands, for example, Pokemon or Misc.

Ensure that the category name is capitalised so it is Pokemon and not pokemon.

Not sending any command name will result in an embed that lists all usable commands.